Natural Remedes

Monday 8 February 2016

Natural Ways To Lower Down High Blood Pressure In Men And Women

1. High blood pressure or hypertension is excessive pressure on the walls of blood vessels. This can turn out to be life-threatening at times.
When left untreated, high blood pressure is something that can lead to many health issues like vision loss, damage to kidneys, heart attack and stroke. In general, a BP reading of 140/90 or higher continuously for a longer period is stated to high blood pressure. Continuous elevated BP levels should be lowered and to lower down high blood pressure, one can rely on herbal remedy called as Stresx capsules. Let us gather some details about this herbal remedy:

Lower Down High Blood Pressure
Stresx capsules: These are herbal remedies with all natural ingredients to naturally lower down high blood pressure.

2. Stresx capsules besides helping to reduce high BP will also work towards its causes to completely resolve the problem without taking any other medication.

3. Even though, wide range of reasons are stated for hypertension, genetic reasons are stated to be the important contributing factor, besides other factors like unhealthy lifestyle.

4. This herbal treatment will elevate the mechanism of the body to keep BP under control. Also, the results are long lasting and will not cause any side-effects.

5. These herbal remedies will help in dissolving blockages in arteries that push heart to pump blood with more pressure. These capsules will keep the arteries clear thereby ensuring smooth passage of blood and this in turn will relieve pressure off heart and will naturally bring down BP.

6. Continuous high BP level will make harmful hormones to get secreted in the body because of wide range of causes. But, Stresx capsules will flush out these harmful hormones from the system and will prevent blood pressure from surging up.

What make Stresx capsules work?

To lower down high blood pressure, these capsules rely on the ingredients and due to the effective role played by the following ingredients, patients with hypertension can lead a healthy life:

1. Arjuna is known for its cardio-protective nature and its therapeutic benefits are hypertension, asthma and kidney stones are highly effective.

2. Brahmi is known to improve alertness and as it is a mental tonic, it will promote clarity of thoughts. Its neuro-protective made it the part of Stresx capsules, high blood pressure herbal treatment.

3. Shankpushpi is known for its effectiveness in improving blood circulation to the brain.

4. Ashwagandha is something that can rejuvenate body and mind. It is mainly known for its stress relieving properties and it can naturally bring down high BP by addressing stress.

5. Gajwan can reduce restlessness and can induce good sleep, thereby naturally addressing high BP problem.

6. Shudh Shilajit can rejuvenate each and every cell in the body inclusive of brain and heart cells, thereby addressing not just hypertension, but also many other issues in the body.

All these ingredients, besides many other ingredients in Stresx capsules will work towards improving the condition of patients with high blood pressure.

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