Natural Remedes

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Improve Body Resistance Power In A Safe And Natural Way

The immune system of the body is the type of special chemicals and cells that defends against many infections. The white blood cells (W.B.C.) are responsible to build the immune system in the bone marrow. These cells move via bloodstream and tissues. Our immune system also produces antibodies (type of proteins) that help to neutralize the infection or toxins produced by the harmful germs. When we get sick is the reason our immune system could not defend our body successfully.

Injury: When our skin gets cut, the germs try to enter our body through it. The immune system performs the following:

1. The white blood cells (WBCs) get the 'signal' of injury through the release of chemicals by the damaged cells. The WBCs then reach to the cut and begin to deteriorate the bacteria. Formation of the pus is actually dead WBCs and germs.

Improve Body Resistance Power
2. Lymphocytes are other kinds of cells in the immune system. B-lymphocytes are responsible to maintain a kind of 'register' of every microorganism that tries to enter blood or successfully infected before so that if those 'registered' microbes try to enter the body again, these lymphocytes very well know how to deal with them by producing the exact antibodies to counter and kill. You can also try out immunity booster supplement.

3. There are also Helper cells that help B-lymphocytes to produce antibodies.

4. The job of Killer cells is to attack the infection.

5. Suppressor cells terminate the whole immune system reaction (like inflammation, swells).

Fever: When a person suffers from fever, he or she undergoes rise in temperature of the body. This is an immune system reaction in order to kill some of the germs. This triggers the repair process of the body.

Viral infections: Some infections such as flu (influenza) and common cold need to be defended several times because there are many different types of viruses capable to cause such kind of sicknesses. If someone catches cold from a particular virus does not mean he or she becomes immune towards others. The immune system tracks the record of each and every microorganism it has ever fought against. This means that the microorganism cannot enter the body again as the body cells very well know to create antibodies against it and the person never gets to know about it.

There are certain herbal ways to improve body resistance power which are completely safe and natural. Revival capsules, immunity boosting supplements have been arranged to improve body resistance power by making it strong, active and favorable to keep off from any kind of diseases and ailments. Revival supplements are totally safe for the persons of any age group and do not cast any side effects because of its organic composition. Revival capsules keep cells, tissues, glands and organs healthy; maintain proper blood flow and keep the body toxin-free so as to function at its best. Revival also nourishes the body that helps in fighting against the harmful agents and decreases the load on immunity being the safe way to improve body resistance naturally.

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