Natural Remedes

Sunday 24 January 2016

Home Remedies For Dry And Rough Hair To Improve Quality

In general, hair growth pattern has been linked to exposure to harmful conditions such as chemicals in water, environmental pollutants, radiations and heat that lead to loss of natural oil and shine. This can cause dryness which causes brittleness and split ends. In some cases, the problem for hair dryness is a genetic condition. In such cases, the skin is dry in nature causing flakiness on scalp.

In ayurveda, dryness is the condition related to the production of excessive heat in body and this can be pacified by taking herbs which act as coolant. Phyllanthus Emblica is one such herb used in home remedies for dry and rough hair that works as coolant and reduces stress on scalp. This herbal treatment for hair loss when rubbed on scalp can promote and strengthen the growth of hair.

Home Remedies For Dry And Rough Hair
Auto immune disorders, skin infections or allergies, asthma, eczema, high blood pressure, blood disorders and exposure to stress inducing chemicals can change constitution of scalp and hair follicle affecting hair texture, glow and shine. This also increases the risks of dandruff further causing loss to hair. It has been observed that growth of hair is not just affected by external factors e.g. the problem of high blood pressure can cause hair thinning and a cure for it can promote hair structure. Studies found that taking medications for high blood pressure increased number of hair strands on scalp. The explanation to this in ayurveda is that hair growth improves when the blood flow to the scalp is proper. Massage is one of the best home remedies for dry and rough hair that improves blood circulation to scalp, and massage with medicated oil such as Hylix oil offers ultimate ingredients to improve scalp conditions to promote hair growth and prevent dryness.

Emblica can help in improving hair hygiene and can prevent aging of tissues on scalp. It is enriching herb which restricts pigmentation. Its fruits have long been used to promote hair growth because it has nourishing impact on skin and hair. Additionally, it contains iron, calcium, phosphorous, thiamine, niacin and ribo flavin. The fruit contains essential oils, phosphatides and certain fixed oils. The bark, fruit and the leaves have medicinal value and are rich in tannins. The root contains ellagin acids and bark contains leucodelphinidin. It contains low-molecular-weight hydrolyzable tannins called Emblicanin A and B. The fruits of herb have anti-inflammatory effects on skin tissues and when applied regularly, it empowers connective tissues to promote flexibility and glow to skin and hair.

Wedelia Calendulacea is another herb found in home remedies for dry and rough hair that is rich in isoflavonoids. It can cure a number of liver conditions and studies confirm that the herb can restrict damage to connective tissues and bone. It can heal ulcers on scalp and skin. It was tested in laboratory on rats where it was able to increase bile secretion from liver when taken orally.

Acacia Concinna is another herb widely used in the preparation of herbal hair fall control treatment for dry and rough hair. If taken raw in water, it can create foam just like soap. It was traditionally used to cleanse body and clothes. The herbs in the oil can work as anti-ulcer treatment to scalp tissues and reduce dryness of hair.

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