Natural Remedes

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Natural Treatment To Get Quick Relief From Constipation

What are the causes behind constipation? The obvious culprits causing this condition include repeated avoidance of foods that are rich in fiber content from the diet and not drinking enough water. Apart from these reasons, lack of exercise is also stated as an important reason behind constipation. Not only these, there are also many other less-known reasons, inclusive of taking some supplements and medications and some potentially serious health conditions can also lead to constipation. It is recommended that men and women facing this condition should look for ways to get quick relief from constipation. Here comes Arozyme capsules and here are some details about the effective ingredients that can play a major role towards providing right relief for constipation issue:

Chronic Constipation Treatment
Gardenia gummifera Linn: This herbal ingredient present in Arozyme capsules, stomach acidity treatment is commonly known as dikamali and this herb is known to be anti-toxic. This is why it is used in treating snake bites. The anti-toxic property of this herbal ingredient will play an important role towards removal of unwanted toxins from the body and it is known to provide excellent remedy to indigestion as well. These properties made it a part of these capsules to help patients to get quick relief from constipation.

Ajwain: This herb is mainly known for its effectiveness in improving the digestive function. Healthy digestion is highly important not only for excretion, but also for improving many other functions in the human body as well. This herb is rich in the levels of thymol and it will aid in the release of gastric juices from the stomach, thereby speeding up the process of digestion. It can provide relief to flatulence and associated nausea as well.

Sanay: This herb is popular in Ayurveda as the powerful purging herb. The leaves of this plant and the immature pods contain glycoside substances like sennosides A and B and these are used extensively as laxatives. This herb is recommended particularly for patients with habitual constipation to help them get the right relief that they look for. When used alone, this herb can cause griping and so it is mixed in the right quantity with other herbs in Arozyme capsules for its laxative properties.

Sonth: This is the dry form of ginger and it is widely used in Ayurveda for its great medicinal properties. Experts are of the opinion that dry ginger that is mixed with butter milk can provide excellent constipation herbal remedy for proper functioning of the digestive system and for flatulence. When the digestion happens in the right manner, constipation issue will be automatically relieved.

Sodium bicarbonate: This ingredient, which is otherwise called as madhur kshar is known for its effectiveness in bringing down stomach acids. It is generally used as an antacid for upset stomach, indigestion and heartburn.

All these ingredients, apart from three more ingredients namely; hing, haritaki and mint plays a major role in helping patients to get quick relief from constipation.

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